Paleo Classroom

This website contains a collection of videos on various topics related to our goal of recovering the inspired manuscript of the Bible.

This is an annex to Paleo.In. If this is new to you, perhaps you should start there.

Each tab represents a loosely organized curriculum, with 1 video per article. Each article includes a written introduction, notes and errata as needed. These talks were recorded in 2019 and 2020. They should still be interesting to new visitors.

The project has advanced significantly since those days. The 3d models shown in these videos still have correct overall proportions. We had not yet found the correct colors, pen shapes and pen size to model proportions. Current versions of scripture apps have updated layouts. Our understanding of Aramaic Primacy now also extends to the Old Testament.

General Outline

  • Start
  • Cases
  • Studies
  • Time
  • Paul
  • Apps
  • Other
  • Starting With The Bible  (8 articles, 1,168 words)

    We start with the Bible. What is it? What does it say about itself? What trouble does is present?

  • Paleo Alphabet  (3 articles, 410 words)

    This was the original, inspired, highly engineered, scriptural alphabet. It is still around, commonly known as Phoenician. This alphabet was abandoned because nefarious editors were trying to add non-inspired content which could not pass an inspired audit system. These talks introduce the shapes and explain how the spelling of words define the meaning of words.

  • Start
  • Cases
  • Studies
  • Time
  • Paul
  • Apps
  • Other
  • Model Cases  (8 articles, 1,707 words)

    Each case holds a related set of 3D models. There are 4 important sets of those models, so 4 cases. Design constraints within those model sets are a strong proof of inspiration. Those design constraints also allow perfect recovery, even after 1000s of years.

  • Study  (6 articles, 826 words)

    These talks cover general topics involving the Testimony. This includes the place Shechem, Adam and Eve, how we solve parables, Salvation, and Rules of Interpretation.

  • Start
  • Cases
  • Studies
  • Time
  • Paul
  • Apps
  • Other
  • Paul  (8 articles, 833 words)

    These talks cover the Testimony's book of Paul. This material is from the inspired parts of the Bible's Book of Luke. First time we ever went deep on the text.

  • Start
  • Cases
  • Studies
  • Time
  • Paul
  • Apps
  • Other
  • Time  (4 articles, 465 words)

    These talks cover topics related to time. Currently this set is specific to the 500 year cycle of history. We are at one of those points now. The last time was Martin Luther's reformation, 500 years ago. It goes back at least to Jacob's dream.

  • Start
  • Cases
  • Studies
  • Time
  • Paul
  • Apps
  • Other
  • Bible Research Bible  (2 articles, 239 words)

    These talks cover material related to BRB. This is an English Language translation of the Bible that we maintain.

  • The Testimony  (5 articles, 610 words)

    These talks cover material related to The Testimony, TT for short. This includes the TT app itself, as well as the structure and content of the text.

  • Start
  • Cases
  • Studies
  • Time
  • Paul
  • Apps
  • Other
  • Other Talks  (4 articles, 1,877 words)

    Talks that don't fit elsewhere.